How many times have you seen people in the gym doing 20 sets of biceps or chest in one session? Do you think an absurd amount of volume will give you the desired results?
If it were that simple, everyone would have incredible results, which is not the case. The truth is that if we can handle that much volume in a single workout, it is most likely that we are not working very hard.
Results are not derived from how many sets you do, but how you do them.
If you want to improve a weak point, the thought should not go through adding sets to the gutter just because. The most important thing is to focus on quality.
Is the technique on point? Is movement quality present throughout the the set? And intensity? Were you that close to failure? Or were things just getting uncomfortable? The list goes on and on….
Before even picking up the weights, look at what you have in front of you: Concentration and intention in each session, in each set and in each repetition will dictate a much superior result.
Go into the set with pure focus and intention and be sure that each repetition will get you closer to your goal. Raise the intensity and cut mindless amounts of training volume. If you really extract as much as you can from each repetition, you will find that your volume needs are not as high as you thought.
When it comes to hypertrophy, more is not always better.
Better is better!
Quality > Quantity: ALWAYS!